Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ten on Tuesday: The Winter Blues Edition

With the extremely cold temperatures we have experienced the last week or so the topic for this week - 10 Things You Do to Make Winter Less Bleak – is very timely.

1) Plan a tropical vacation even if it is only in my head

2) Open the blinds and let in the little bit of natural light we have in

3) Declutter – if you are stuck inside who wants to see piles of crap everywhere

4) Use bright and obnoxious colored yarn

5) Get out of the house – I have a tendency to hibernate

6) Watch TV shows and movies that take place in warm climates (I love Hawaii Five-O – McGarrett is some serious eye candy as well)

7) Make summer like meals – I like my Chicken Ranch Pasta Salad as it does not require items that are no longer in season

8) Have a pina colada

9) Snuggles with my DH and Clark to keep warm

10) Remembering that this too shall pass

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